understanding weather and its impact
What we do
Our products are developed with consideration of the perspective of market participants to identify and quantify weather related opportunities and risks. With the focus on the daily work of traders and analysts we translate weather impacts into memorable visualisations with well-known units (mostly € / MWh).
We realize customized solutions in a fast and easy way. Contact us for more details.
Who we are
A highly motivated team of meteorologists, data analysts and IT specialists with many years of experience as traders.
We are requested as consultants for leadings actors in power and gas trading. Furthermore, we provide a unique combination of market understanding and meteorological knowledge.

Our mission
We want to make weather and its impact on energy prices transparent and understandable.

Our vision
We are specialists for energy price forecasts. With our products, we actively contribute to a better allocation of supply and demand and thus to the energy transition.

Our values
We strive to be both - perfect and fast - in everything we do - without sacrificing one for the other.

Our solutions = Your added value
Only Energy Weather offers energy meteorology with trading expertise
Intra-Day & Day Ahead
- Our successful product based on analogies for the short-term oriented trader
Mid-Term Trading
D+2 bis zu W+6
- Including all relevant weather models and continuously updated production costs of relevant power plant types
Renewables / PPA
Y up to Y+2
Renewables / PPA
Y up to Y+2
- All available weather data for management and fair calculation of your (PPA) portfolio
Our offer to you
1. Interest & Product presentation
We would be happy to present our products live to you. Either personally or via MS Teams.
Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter +49 176 41539608 oder per Mail: r.girmes@energyweather.com
2. Trial & Feedback
After the first product presentation and if you are still interested, we provide you with a free and non-binding test account within 48 hours.
3. Agreement & Contract
You are convinced of us and our products and become a customer. In addition to the frontend, you will of course also receive all data via an interface of your choice. Whether API, (S)FTP or by mail: We will find a solution!
4. Go-Live
As our customer, you not only benefit from our well thought-out and user-friendly software.
We also look after you individually, especially at the beginning. This is what we call “training-on-the-tools”.
Your advantages with Energy Weather
- User-friendly software and highly available interface to all (raw) data
- Products with real added value for your everyday work
- Individualized services / tailor-made products
- Excellent customer service, we reply within 24h at the latest
- Training-on-the-tools: We won't leave you alone and help you on your way
We supply customers with different backgrounds from all over Europe

Company headquarters in:
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
- France
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Czech Republic
- Spain
- Sweden
- Hungary
- UK
Active as:
- Prop trader
- Direct marketer / VPP
- Municipality / Utility
- Network operator
- Industry
- Mining / Chemical
- Battery marketer